This is a project dedicated to service, acting from Sound Therapy, Energy Channeling, Aromatherapy, the Awakening of Consciousness and the Awakening of the power of Selfhealing* that resides in each human being.
A space / time is opened for the reunion with oneself, using sounds of high resonance for our natural BEING.
An energetic-meditative-sonorous-musical journey is invited, and for this purpose sacred, ancestral as well as technological instruments are used, used and developed by civilizations aware of the power of sound. All of them are used with the intention of integrating the different civilizations, evolutionary ages and creations of the human BEING. Being integral and integral, the same change that we want to see in the world ...
What do we mean by healing? What is the essence of healing? What happens when someone manages to 'be well', whether on a psychological, emotional or physical level?
The Journey
It is recommended to be relaxed, you can be lying on your back in Savasana (hands on the side of your body and palms facing up), or sitting in a very comfortable position, with your eyes closed during the trip. For this a conscious meditation is guided at the beginning. Likewise, it is guided for the return when finished.
Each meeting is a complete and unique journey in which the participating group gives the key and the energy where it will be taken and thus be able to channel what will be executed and will sound. In addition to being unique for each presentation, it is unique for each participant who, according to their blocks or disharmonies, will receive the vibrations required to return to their natural harmonic state.