
CrisolTierra Productions

A new Art is emerging, and in it is reflected the change of vibration of the planet, this evolutionary leap, this new Era that begins. This Art is usually more connected to the BEING than to the personality or ego of the artists, who become the channel of the highest creator. An Art that expresses itself healing, opens consciousness, brings sound and brings light ...
A new Art is emerging, and is reflecting the change of vibration of the planet, this evolutionary leap, this new Era that begins. This Art is usually more connected to the BEING than to the personality or ego of the artists, who become the channel of the highest creator. An Art that expresses itself healthy, opens consciousness, brings sound and brings light ...

We practice sound and musical permaculture, sound integration with the surrounding environment in the most harmonious way and playing with their wealth to co-create. We seek all kinds of environments, natural, spaces rich in sonority and diversity of colors.

We propose to you to realize that creation together, that was once a dream, and now it depends on you to make it closer to materialize
Bringing down the sky to the earth, knowing that everything we propose is possible.


Proyecto Vibra - Salto al Vacío

You can listen and buy the album at Bandcamp


You can listen and buy the album at Bandcamp

Todos Somos Uno - Disco 1

You can listen and buy the album at Bandcamp


You can listen and buy the album at Bandcamp


You can listen and buy the album at Bandcamp


You can listen and buy the album at Bandcamp



We put at your disposal our experience and knowledge to carry out your artistic endeavor


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