Structure of a class
A. The Adi mantra: “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
Before we start a Kundalini Yoga class, we sing three times the Adi Mantra. Adi" means:-the first or primordial-and "Mantra" is the creative projection of the mind through sound.This mantra centers us in our elevated "I", our inner teacher, focusing the mind towards positive and productive thoughts, relaxing the tensions of the day and creating inner peace. With the vibration of these sounds, we join the infinite, to "The Golden Chain" of Kundalini Yoga masters.
- Ong It is the creative energy of the whole cosmos, it has the sense of energy and activity.
- Namo it means to bow, the sense is of respect and receptivity. It is a way of greeting, of recognizing that there is a higher consciousness and discipline in you leaving behind the limitations of our ego.
- Dev it means subtle, etheric or divine.
- Guru Dev Namo it means that you go to the subtle wisdom that guides and elevates you.
«Cantamos este mantra sentados en postura fácil y con las manos en pranam mudra o mudra del rezo para crear armonía, neutralidad y receptividad.»
B. Kriya
A kriya is a series of original exercises of the sages of ancient times and each has a specific objective. The teacher must respect the order of the exercises at all times to achieve the objective of the kriya. Keep in mind that the total effect of a Kriya is greater than the sum of its actions (single exercises).
Kriya means action, an action that must germinate the seed
Before starting with kriya it is advisable to do warm-up exercises to prepare the muscles, the spine, to calm the mind and complement the kriya.
C. Deep relaxation with SOUND
After the kriya, you should relax deeply in "savasana" posture, lying on your back. The effects of kriyas and mantras last a long time after class, allow yourself a time for the energies you have created to circulate through your body and your mind without involving the ego. Energy knows where it should go, it is automatic. Cover yourself with a blanket or shawl and enjoy!
«En este momento potenciamos el efecto de la Kriya, utilizando los SONIDOS sagrados y sanadores de cuencos de cuarzo, didjeridoo, tambores, sakuhachi (flauta zen), canto armónico, gong, sonidos de la naturaleza, etc. Con esto creamos un mejor flujo de la energía y limpiamos con más facilidad nuestro cuerpo físico, mental y emocional. Esto crea el mejor estado para disponernos a meditar.»
D. Meditation
It is essential today. Doctors tell us that it can reverse the effects on our brain of chronic stress. Everyone must learn how to meditate to face the challenges of this life.
Meditation is the creative control of your inner being where the infinite can speak to you
It is an act of clearing the mind, of not letting in thoughts into the subconscious, and of concentrating its attention on the inner reality beyond intellectual concepts, and on the external reality beyond physical objects where the mind becomes calm, the Problems get smaller and the creative powers of the psyche are released to create harmony.
Meditation is when you empty yourself and let the universe enter you
Yogi Bhajan chose to teach K.Y. and his meditation for being so effective, complete and simple. It is a complement of activity to what has been stimulated during the exercises of the kriya. In K.Y. On many occasions we use mantras and mudras (hand postures) to meditate. By chanting mantras, the individual creates a frequency of vibration within their electromagnetic field to exploit the electromagnetic field of the Universe. When you sing a mantra or meditate, you unload the subconscious, you develop a neutral mind, you accept and forgive your past, you elevate yourself, that's how it works.
It produces a calm personality, emotionally neutral, alert, intuitive, effective, efficient and controlled, and an elevated sense of being and awareness. Consistent meditation promotes inner PEACE, happiness and life in a higher state of consciousness.
E. "May the eternal sun illuminate you, love surround you and pure inner light guide your way"
It belongs to a song by the rock band "The incredible String Band" that they gave to Yogi Bhajan after an interview with him. Since then, it is sung at the end of each class with the purpose of returning to earth after a powerful class of Kundalini. It is an affirmation to bring the energy of the class and keep it in your heart, to prepare you to return again to the material world with clarity and confidence.
F. “Sat Nam”
Then we recite the Sat Nam mantra three times to conclude the energy of the class and feel the harmony. This mantra signifies the identity of oneself with the Universal Truth.
G. Salute
Finally, students and teacher greet each other by bringing their heads to the ground below the heart as a sign of respect and gratitude towards infinity. Greeting in this way is an exercise that brings circulation to the brain and therefore stimulates the process of absorbing what was taught and has the sense of going beyond the simple mental acceptance of the teachings and open the heart to receive them. .