Aromatherapy is a therapeutic discipline that takes advantage of the properties of essential oils extracted from aromatic plants, to restore the balance and harmony of the body and mind. Aromatherapy is considered as the language of the soul: what our brain perceives through smell, places it in the area of ​​spiritual perceptions, harmonizing our energy body and thus accessing the regulation of the physical area that needs to be reconstituted.

A scent can trigger a whole succession of almost forgotten memories - the area of ​​the brain associated with the smell is the same as from memory. The olfactory region is the only place in our body where the central system is closely related to the outside world, in this way, the olfactory stimuli reach directly to the most internal connection centers of our brain. The neurons of the olfactory region are primary sensory neurons and are part of the brain neurons.

On the other hand, when something is smelled, emotional memory is evoked, emotions can be related. Thus, the associative memory of aromas and situations generate the use of oils for therapeutic use, since the conscience registers the aroma with the ambience.

- VibrA Aromas Set -

Línea 7 Chakras

Divididos en 7 spray los cuales corresponden a un Vórtice determinado conformados por una esencia específica que tiene como intención
activate and contribute to the healing of that vortex.

🌀 Muladhara (Primer Vórtice)
🌀 Svadhisthana (Segundo Vórtice)
🌀 Manipura (Tercer Vórtice)
🌀 Anahata (Cuarto Vórtice)
🌀 Vishuddha (Quinto Vórtice)
🌀 Ajna (Sexto Vórtice)
🌀 Sahasrara (Séptimo Vórtice)

Línea 5 Elementos

💦 Agua & Salud
Para despertar nuestra creatividad, sensibilidad, libertad, sensualidad, desinhibición, motivar nuestros deseos y proyectos
🔥 Fuego & Amor
Para despertar nuestra voluntad, equilibrio emocional, autoestima, el valor y la confianza
💨 Aire & Paz
Para despertar el amor, la fraternidad, el perdón, la amistad, la alegría, la fe, la verdad y la verdadera devoción
🌱 Tierra & Prosperidad
Para despertar nuestra vitalidad, fuerza física, capacidad de acción, de concreción, nuestra seguridad y decisión
🌌 Éter & Éxtasis
Para despertar nuestra comunicación, expresión creativa, proyección, el poder de la palabra y la escucha


* Spraying in a certain environment (be it your home, place of work, etc.)
* Spraying on your body or vortex
* Therapists who work with healing (as a complement to the technique already performed)